Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Reseting Cisco 1700 Router to recover password

1> Connect your Pc's serial port to the routers console port
2> Configure your PC's serial port
- 9600 baud rate

- No parity

- 8 data bits

- 1 stop bit

- No flow control

3> Config register should be 0x2102 " Use sh ver"

4> Reboot router and apply the BREAK sequence within 60 seconds ofpowering the router. >

ROMMON 1 > confreg 0x2142

ROMMON 1 > reset

Type Control -C to exit this mode
Router > enable

Router # conf m

# sh ru

# conf t

Router (config) # en secret forgotten

Router (config) # conf-reg 0x2102

Router (config) # crtl z

Router # write

Router # reload

This summary should bring relief to you all.
The links below should help you further if you are still stuck

Various cisco products

Particular one for Cisco routers

Good day


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