Reseting Cisco 1700 Router to recover password
1> Connect your Pc's serial port to the routers console port
2> Configure your PC's serial port
- 9600 baud rate
- No parity
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- No flow control
3> Config register should be 0x2102 " Use sh ver"
4> Reboot router and apply the BREAK sequence within 60 seconds ofpowering the router. >
ROMMON 1 > confreg 0x2142
ROMMON 1 > reset
Type Control -C to exit this mode
Router > enable
Router # conf m
# sh ru
# conf t
Router (config) # en secret forgotten
Router (config) # conf-reg 0x2102
Router (config) # crtl z
Router # write
Router # reload
This summary should bring relief to you all.
The links below should help you further if you are still stuck
Particular one for Cisco routers
Good day
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