Sunday, January 14, 2007

Catholic Positive Influence To The World

Well listening to the BBC hour long play of a Brazilian Priest Father Josimo Tavares a hero for Squatter community in remote Brazil who was gunned down fighting for the land rights of the poor in the face of intimidation, murder, corruption, goverment negligence u name it.

In Malawi I have an example of a manual which many will agree has made a difference to students of Physical Science ( Physics & Chemistry ) at MSCE Level. It was authored by KEITH WALLIS his illustrations was a far cry from the materials which came before it. I am currently in the process of trying to get in touch with this man to thank him on behalfof Malawian students who benefited.

This good is most of the times blurred with nonsensical and in some case horrific purely barbaric acts. I can just name a few

- The abusers in the US churches
- The Polish Priest who worked for the Soviets
- The Rwandan Priest involved in the Genocide
- The Malawian Priest and Nun caught in a sexual act at
Lilongwe International Airport.
- The Malawian Priest who dragged his girlfriend in a Highway drama

So the are human after all lets concentrate on their positives. BTW am not a Catholic.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Opensource Linksys Firmware In Malawi

One of our clients bought a Linksys GS (With Speedbooster) router for his side (CPE).

The thing worked for some 20 minutes and then died. Even putting in the manufacturer firmware upgarde the router could work.

I resorted to an opensource solution for Linksys routers after a google search , emailing a friend and visiting my favourite techie forum.

Am pleased to say that its now a week without the client complaining about the router and he will be buying more bandwidth from our office.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Malaria a real Menace

Well I like to think of myself that am hardened to Malaria but I have had to rethink my position
in the way I was whacked flat by this little menace. Am now recovering but come to think of it in economic sense it is a bad thing.

Instead of meeting potential clients and servicing clients I spent the day sleeping. And in our type of industry were our margins are low a company cannot afford these bouts of sickness.

But hope is around the corner with some Madagascar research for an anti-malarial which should make it possible to prevent loss of man hours and lives.


Friday, January 05, 2007

LAFA ( Local African Foreign Accent )

This term came about when I was reading Global Voices on an issue about African Indaba. It raised some controvesy and mostly I guess people agreed to disagree on issues. As put this term is used widely in Ghana it is used to mock the wanna bees . I got it from this site from the tone of it its seemed the blogger is from Kenya because the Swahili is good and the English equally so.

I laughed and laughed.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Who Am I

An African FLAME against the odds on the Motherland.

Descendant of the great Zulu force which changed the face of Southern Africa . Am a NGONI from Malawi. MFECANE is the process which changed the face a region.

Malawi the land of the flames, which has the largest fresh water lake running across the country. Am really proud to be called a MALAWIAN

Protected by the fierce cats the LION & LEOPARD. I know a my risks.

Our flag is BLACK, RED, GREEN.

BLACK - Its our past it was dark and seemed to have no future
RED - This signifies the blood shed, suffering and passion of the people to have a better future.
GREEN - Grass will be greener on our side and we have hope.

We will always have Sunshine as a people

So as I always say I am a MALAWIAN and AFRICAN
